The Sweet Spot™

The Sweet Spot™ is that finite range of member dues which will enable a club to profitably fill membership.

The Sweet Spot™ is that finite range of dues which can provide a club sustained membership growth and enough revenues and free cash flow at full membership to ensure long-term financial success. A club can not be successful when it operates outside of its Sweet Spot.

The Sweet Spot™, which is unique for every club, is derived from an analysis of its financial and operational characteristics and the market area in which it competes. Club Flows™ can determine a club’s Sweet Spot™ and develop a Full Membership Plan™ through its proprietary Club Flows Model™ developed specifically for private golf clubs. Club Flows™ can also provide a club with a customized 5-year projection of its financial performance based on implementing the Full Membership Plan™ with dues in the Sweet Spot™.