Private Club Conundrum™


“Private golf clubs are facing a private club conundrum – fill membership and achieve long-term financial success or under-perform and become a casualty of golf club consolidation”

The private golf club industry is still in an over-supply condition and more clubs will likely go out of business as the market continues to consolidate. Clubs which can operate at or near capacity will continue to enjoy a strong competitive advantage in their market area. However, clubs with membership levels well below capacity will find it harder and harder to compete because of higher dues and less member activity to support operations. The future casualties of consolidation will likely come from this pool of marginally performing clubs with lower membership levels.

Private golf clubs are facing a private club conundrum – will they choose to take control of their own destiny and boldly do what is necessary to achieve full membership and long-term financial success or will they continue to under-perform and become a casualty of golf club consolidation.

Club Flows™ has developed a unique step by step process that can help a club escape the membership conundrum and reach its full performance potential within five years. And, as part of our process we will provide a detailed 5-year projection of the club’s finances under the new Full Membership Plan™, so your club can see the expected impact of the Plan on revenues and free cash flows, before any changes are ever made.